Sunday, August 15, 2010

Coastal Confessions.....

Cheers from the sunny Keys. As predicted, I am on my deck (tan lines optional!), enjoying an afternoon recovery cocktail. The ride was not too bad--I don't want to do it again soon, but not too bad. We all survived nicely--even Lola.

I remember road trips growing up. My grandparents lived in Detroit, so every so often, we would pile into the station wagon and hit the road. Efficiency was the name of the game. My Dad would announce, "if ya have to go to the bathroom, go now, cuz we are NOT stopping!" Us three kids would answer in unison, "WE KNOW!" The speed limit was 70 and we were probably going 85 in order to 'make good time'. Off we would go till we hit Standish, where we would would stop for gas and a very quick bathroom break before getting on the expressway. You can bet the clock was running. At last we were officially 'down below'. I75, now this was really something. Growing up in Ossineke, there was not a four lane, a one way, or an exit, so we were really excited for this action.
All three of us were prone to car sickness, so my Mother would make a giant bag of dry popcorn in hopes of quelling our stomach acid. Sometimes it would even work, but we didn't care--we were off to the city. We played the licence plate game, the alphabet game and slug bug, and had to avoid reading or checking a map lest the 'queasies' set in. Somehow we survived without a G.P.S. or a television playing movies or an ipod with earphones in our ears! Quelle horreur! And don't even ask the dreaded 'how much longer, and are we there yet?' questions. A mere 3 and a half hours and we were there, enveloped in Grand-parental love. My Grampa's first question would be, "didja make good time?"

Due to my Dunkin' Donuts fetish, bathroom stops are quite a frequent necessity. And if I see a store that looks interesting, we will stop. I had my first Dairy Queen since about 1994, at a truck stop along the way--and it was luscious!
I don't mind taking it a little more slowly these days. We made terrible 'time' and I'm okay with that. What's that they say about enjoying the journey as well as the destination? I can honestly say that I did.

Take the time to smell coffee and look around, maybe get a Dairy Queen. Life's too short not to enjoy every moment--if ya gotta stop, it's all right. And that's my words of wisdom on this hot, steamy Keys night. xoxo


JR's Thumbprints said...

Reminds me of all those times when my dad would stop at Moores Ice Cream in Marlette, Michigan.

rosegarden said...

sounds like a great time. Hope you are enjoying cruising the Keys!!! We love our Dunkin Donuts fettsih. So worth the bathroom breaks. I am Ms Lola made the trip more interesting. hope you are having a great time!!

the walking man said...

No tan lines needed in the Keys babe.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm enjoying a few days at the end of my vacation.

Heff said...

Very nice. I haven't had a Dairy Queen in quite awhile...well, not the fast food variety, anyway....

Anonymous said...

I've go to know, you're not wearing anything under that towel are you?

Mona said...

Reminds me of the time, when I had to go real bad on my trip from Las Vegas to Glendale , and there was only a shed at a gas station that was filthy! Ewwwww!

Heff said...

If you'll join my followers list, I'LL KISS YOUR FEET !!!!!


Billy Zane.

jodi said...

Heff, How do I do that?

Michelle's Spell said...

Hey beautiful,

You look gorgeous as always! Your writing always makes me ever so happy . . . great post!

Anonymous said...

Blasted Heff! Now you must die!

Erik Donald France said...

Sounds very fun. Fell into the Cherry Hut once "up there." My folks used to do these kind of trips with me and my big sisters -- always fun, even when we added little brother later!

Erik Donald France said...

p.s. I'm with you the journeys, slowing 'em down. What's the big rush anymore?

jodi said...

JR-I LOVE Moores! Their small cones are huge! Rosegarden-Yes, we are fiends for DD. Ms.Lola did not let us down! Mark-U got it baby! Charles-Good for you! Heff-go get a Blizzard already and eat it like the pig that you r! Will-don't be crazy-you must know me better than that! Mona-roadside bathrooms are my worst nightmare. Yuck. Hef-tell me how to join and I will. Then get Billy Zane to kiss my errr..feet! Michelle-well, thank you, my little lovely! Will-you boys play nice. Erik-arent those old trips some of the fondest memories ever? Thanks to all of you for making me laugh. Even Wil who needs to be told to behave!!! xoxoxoxo

Heff said...

On my blog, just click on the Followers list on my upper right sidebar, and it will ask you to join.

You'll then be automatically notified when I've put up a new post if you activate the feature within your blog.

Heff said...

Hmmm...apparently you ALREADY follow 2 blogs.