Mangrove Mama's is the place to be for four ladies who lunch! We venturing down to Key West for a day of shopping, fun and general nuttiness! It's my last week of vaycay and I will be venturing home to normalcy-as much as I usually subscribe to! Some semblance of routine and reuniting with Mickey are some things I look forward to with great anticipation. And getting my vodka soaked butt back in the gym-muumuus do not bode well for the suburban Detroit area! Have a wonderful week and next week I hopefully can gather a cogent thought for a real blog! xo
8 months ago
Cheers, Jodi ~~ it's all good ~
Yo ho ho and a bottle of Vodka!
Ladies on the town. Egads, what will they get up to? Especially with "J" along.
You look like you had a wonderful time!! Hope to see you here back in lovely Michigan !!!Bring some of that warm weather with you!!!!
Erik-Yes, babe, it is!! Mark-Aye Aye, my coffee compadre! Charles-U know me too well! We DID manage to stir it up a little bit! Rosegarden-We surely did! I hear more nice weather is on the way. Hope nobody got too duped today on this day for fools! I love y'all. xoxo
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