Hello Darlings from the beautiful Florida Keys. It is our annual Sloth, Indulgence and Debauchery tour involving all the the aforementioned activities. In addition, I noticed some new shoppes and restaurants on the way down and will be happy to support the economy in anyway I can. I have lots of company coming down to join in the fun and my ipad is loaded up phat! The pool looks warm and inviting and the harbor has some beautiful boats anchored up enjoying the safe refuge. And there is no place better than the Florida Keys for out and out laziness. They don't call it the Keys Disease for nuthin'! Nobody, but nobody moves too quickly here. Because it is 'high season' here, a simple trip to Publix for groceries must be met with patience and many deep breaths. Since patience is most defiantly not my strongest virtue, I have found that a couple of strong cocktails do help to aid in the process. And nobody gets hurt.. We joke that Publix is also called 'Heavens Waiting Room'-a fate that will be ours soon enough!
However, one thing NOT on the usual vacation plan, (for most people) is cutting their own moulding at Home Depot. Yes, it's true. Another remodeling project is underway, this time converting a former sun porch into an extra bedroom, and today I learned how to cut base trim to the proper size. And as near as I can figure out, photo ops are not the usual happening in the lumber department. I adore painting and remodeling-from the design to the shopping and then the execution of said design. I get made fun of constantly for indulging my passion while on vacation. But it's relaxing for me and I love it. Instant gratification tricked out in aqua blue.
And I pose the burning question, what are your favorite vacation/time off activities? Do you sight see or chill out or what? See new places or mostly hit favorite spots? Sleep in or pop up ready to rock? I am always interested in your outlook on such things. Let me know, k? I'll be patiently waiting...
You seem pretty well dressed for sawing! I bet they were happy to see you.
"Do you sight see or chill out or what? See new places or mostly hit favorite spots? Sleep in or pop up ready to rock?" All of the above.
Depends if I'm with a person, people or solo.
I enjoy the thrill of the new and the thrill of the favorite, too. Mix it up, shake it up, do it up~ like a Cuban mojito ;->
Charles-I was representin' by wearing my Red Wings tshirt. Belive me, that HD has seen crazier things than me cutting my molding!! Erik-I can totally see that about you and I feel similarly! Have yet to have a Mojito but I did hear that flights from Lauderdale to Cuba may be starting soon?! Hmmmm....xo Dolls.
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