Coco Chanel has been quoted saying, "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous". And that's exactly what Kristin and I were going for as we were out and about at a fundraiser this past Saturday night.
The decorations were nice, and the food was your basic wet chicken affair. The drinks were weak and the D.J. was mediocre. Ahhh, but the company was rockin'. Had plenty of thing to catch up on with friends that we don't usually see, not counting Kristin. The bidding was fast and furious and that, and the raffles will send a class of 6th graders to Washington, D.C. this spring. That's donations the easy way for me. Nothing too desperate here, folks.
On the other end of the spectrum, this week I was made aware of two, young, mentally ill guys that were living on the streets with barely enough clothes. The local thrift store was where I went to buy jeans, socks, flannel shirts and t-shirts for them. You would have thought I'd raided Nordstrom's when I gave them the bag of goodies. Their faces were happy and they couldn't wait to change into the clothes. The boys (well, men actually) were humble and grateful. I was amazed and touched.
I've barely given the rather privileged kids a second thought in regards to their 'needs', but the two guys will stay with me awhile. No one is throwing a big fancy party in their honor. A warming shelter in this frosty weather and the hopes of a bridge card will be the biggest thing to happen to them. I pray something goes right in their lives.
I love doing little things like this. Buying a dress for a Snowcoming dance for a little girl whose family is having a rough time or handing a cheeseburger out the car window to the guy who stands at the Moross and I94 exit, is what makes me feel good these days. Wish I could do more, but feel honored to be allowed to help. Maybe it's the mother in me-I don't know.. But I do know that it opens my heart a little every time and I feel blessed.
Have a blessed week-I know I will. xo
8 months ago
Beautiful, Jodi ~ with chuckles, too. Sweet.
Good luck with the latest round of snow and etc. -- and good luck to those dudes, too.
p.s. you achieved the Chanel style -- great pic.
There is no way to explain the overhwelming feeling you get by doing something nice for someone less fortunate and not expecting a damn thing in return. I just wish more people did it because I think our world would be a better place. Small acts of kindness and generosity of any level can make a big difference in somebody's life. Hugs to you sister for seeing the true meaning of life! Love you much! xoxoxo
Yep I give that same guy cigarettes.
All have their problems and you can only touch those you see and that, my friend, is enough.
wet chicken, weak drinks, mediocre D-jay. And yet it seems you all had fun. That is a talent indeed!
Erik, your words are so kind and supportive-and cheery. Cheers to you my friend! Cheryl, you should know! You are one of the most unselfish and giving persons I have ever met and I love you for your life lessons. xoxo Mark-that dude always makes me so sad and contemplative. xo Charles-yes, Doll, I can find the fun anywhere-weak cocktails and all. Ya just gotta order 'em two at a time! xo And to all of you-I love you beyond words...xoxo
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