Happy December my lovelies. As usual, I enjoyed my Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family. My brother in law and sister did not disappoint and for this I am grateful.
I did not and probably will not ever participate in any Black Friday shopping. Friday morning found me sleeping off my food coma and then drinking coffee and catching up with my Mom. I realize that the deals are wonderful, but I'm simply not motivated enough to handle it. Slipping into Target today to get tree lights today does not count.
I've explained this before, but the holiday season has been made considerably easier having made the decision years ago to not shop at all. My family doesn't even exchange gifts preferring to just spend time together without the hassle of trying to buy for each other. I love the food, lights, music etc. But shopping for those of us that aren't needy means nothing to me. Cornball as it is, at Christmas, our presence is our presents.
That said, I am looking for a good, honest cause to donate to. When I lived up north, it was easy to adopt a family and be sure that the gifts stayed local. I don't trust big companies that pay their execs to handle the money because it seems very little money gets where it is meant to go.
Do any of you have a favorite local charity that you are comfortable donating to? Please let me know here, on facebook or (gasp!) just call me. Muchas Gracias. Love and joy to all. xoxo
8 months ago
Hope your December is grand.
Hi Jodi! My name is Heather and I was hoping you would be willing to answer a question I have about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
Fantastic, Jodi~!
You can donate to Erik Donald France. I'll give you the acct. number. Kidding: not in need as of this posting. . .
You'll come across something good if you haven't already. No doubt. Wonderful philosophy you've got with the family. Three cheers to that and Pope Francis would agree, I'm guessing.
The Human Society is always in need of donations to pay for the care of animals. I donate when I can either in cash or by just buying food or other supplies and dropping them off.
Charles-Same to you, dear. Erik-Crazy guy! I don't quite see you as the 'poor little match boy'! U could ask Santa?! Cheryl-donate all year to the Humane Society. Looking into a local charity. Happy December to you all. xo
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