First of all today, on this freezing Monday, I would like to thank Mark, a.k.a. The Walking Man for my blatant rip off of his blog idea. Thanks Buddy, I owe you one! xo
As 2013 winds down, I will do my best to sum up my personal 'end of year list'. I am not sorry to see 2013 come to a close as it was a trying year at best. Experiencing the calendar year of holidays and events without my Dad and my Mother-in-law was surreal. As Dad's one year of passing came up, a large Manhattan was toasted in his honor as we marveled at how strange it was without Dad planted in front of my fireplace feasting on cookies and nuts-with his own large Manhattan in hand. And without Patty, who always swooped in with a mountain of presents for us all. In her absence, I decorated a small tree festooned with all of her costume jewelry and a picture of her near the star. It seemed that she was smiling down at us all. I am going to qualify this whole thing as the 'good'.
The bad....The overall holiday depression and desperation that leads people to do extreme things. I know things like murders of children and home invasions happen everyday, but it's always a sharper contrast with a backdrop of Christmas carols. The insane neediness of family's wishing for blankets and jackets and food in the midst of my own glut is completely depressing. Nothing I can ever do will ever be enough. God Bless those in need and I hope their new year reveals hope and compassion.
And do you want to see ugly? As I show up at the gym on Thursday, the place will be packed. Altho I will put in many a mile on the treadmill going nowhere, I hate it when 'my' parking spot is full and I have to trek across the parking lot. Patience has never been my strong suit, and waiting my turn aggravates me to no end. I like to get in, get done, and get out, and all the 'resolution people' will totally slow me down. I love it when January is done and the place clears back out to just us regular idiots. Gotta learn to play well with others...for awhile anyways.
As I spend New Years Eve (my least favorite holiday of all!) quietly with a few close friends, I will toast in 2014 with wishes of health, happiness, peace and love to all. xoxo
8 months ago
Jodi first off--never ever apologize or feel bad because you have more wealth than another. You and the old man worked for it, you fairly employ many people so their lives are not as hard.
Second off your Dad is only gone from eyes, you just described how he spent Christmas with you this year--that is how love never dies.
Third off--I know your generosity towards them in need--you are not the Government, let those bastards spend less on bombs and more on people.
And finally fourth off--why do you have to learn to play nice with others? you and Joann need to hang out sometime.
Be Well Jodi--stay human.
Mark-this is one of the most supportive comments you have ever sent me and I needed it at this time. It means the world to me and I thank you so much. Love to you, ya big teddy bear. xo
Happy New year, Jodi ~! What a great picture ~ love it ~!
And agreed on all your write. I lost my Dad in '13, and am also hoping '14 is a bit brighter.
Cheers ~!
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