Can you believe I'm a day late in posting on National Coffee Day? Whoo Hoo! This might just be my new favorite 'holiday'. Yes, I've flirted with the whole tea thing, but I'm a true blue coffee girl at heart.
As a child, my Gramma's farm always had the BEST coffee. She perked in the old fashioned percolator pot and we tricked it out with full fat Half n Half and as much sugar as we wanted to. That smell along with bread baking takes me right back to that little kitchen. It's where my coffee habit took roots along with the wonderful memories of Grampa coming in from morning chores and settling in to a big cup. And we thought we were sooooo cool!
Growing up, I would always volunteer to wrangle open the can just to get that first heavenly smell and I still love the scent in my giant Tim Horton's can. As a teen, I worked at a private country club and could drink all the coffee I liked. The caffeine never kept me awake back then and my Dad and I would often drink one last cup while watching Johnny Carson. Now if I indulge after 2:00 p.m., I will toss and turn all night. I love Bailey's or Kahlua and coffee, but unfortunately I have to partake in that treat early or order it with the dreaded decaf. Don't get me started on the revulsion I have for decaf. I mean, what's the point?
I always hate to support the 'big guys' but good old Dunkin' Donut coffee and Tim Horton's are my favorites. Something about them just taste 'roastier' to me. The anticipation during the short drive thru wait can make me crazy and I'm never happier as I peel back the tab and burn my tongue on the very first sip.
Over the years I started collecting Starbuck's cups altho I don't really care for their coffee. I love the emblem with the split tail mermaid. Uber cool!
Over the years, I find myself totally weaned off the sugar addition, but will sometimes add cinnamon. Being out of Half n Half is practically an emergency at my house. I recently saw a t-shirt that said, "Coffee first, talk later". Yes, as I walk like a zombie to the pot, that is my first thought.
So do you love coffee? How do you prefer your cup? Do you NEEEED your caffeine? Not a real challenging question, I know, but tell me anyways.
Or maybe we can go out for coffee!!! (Mark, call me!) xo
8 months ago
Lost my old phone about 6 weeks ago and with it my numbers--I haven't said anything to anyone about it, but *shrug* call me and also remind me to store your number or I'll forget.
Rarely drink coffee. An occasional cup in the winter. Drink it black with sugar when I do drink it.
Mark-Ya big nut! I will IM you my digits. AND I'll buy the Joe...xo Charles-It's beyond my comprehension how one can just occasionally drink coffee! You two have a wonderful week. I lubs ja. xo
Yay, Jodi ~!
Me loves the coffee always. Never missed a day since I was seventeen (almost missed a day once while visiting friends who had served only decaf -- of which my opinion is exactly the same as yours!) I can go black or with milk or half and half. Usually no sugar. I prefer strong roasts, Italian, French and Mexican especially. The Swedish part of the family was mad for coffee -- pots all day for anyone who wanted some. I take after them but have added Keurig single shots as needed . . . All freshly brewed coffee has a wonderful aroma . . .
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