HaPpY LaBoR Day 2014.
Someone or ones apparently thought Devil's Night came early this year! As I walked out to get my paper on Thursday morning, I was met with this sight. And I must say, they did quite a job. The cherry trees hosted quite symmetrical formations while the smaller shrubs were decorated in a more horizontal fashion. Charmin two ply, ultra strong, no less. After all this is Harrison Twp. where no expense would be spared the little darlings! As I looked both ways down my street, I confirmed that, yes, I was the only yard of honor. While out photographing this 'art installation', my neighbor informed me that it was the night before the first home football game and pranks were to be expected. Really? Football in August. I didn't think that classes had even started.
Oh well, after admiring the handiwork, I got to cleaning this mess up. Most of it pulled down quite easily leaving only a few tails for the kids to come by and giggle at. I can't say I minded too much. I remember doing the same thing to a favorite teacher once in high school, so I guess divine retribution was visited on me. Next time I will pay attention to Mickey, who was pacing around at 2 ayem trying to give me a heads up.
Lately, I've been enjoying giving out a question to my dear readers. So how about this-have you ever pranked or been pranked? Joni, Laurie, Gayle and Beth...You do not need to answer that one. And Mr. Maxwell, belated apologies for the mess we blessed you with!
Have a great week on this, the first week of fall. xo
8 months ago
to a favorite teacher? What did you do to the ones you didn't like?
Hey Jodi, oh yes -- usually we pranked the school itself, though ~ adorning the rooftops, for instance, with various 'art projects.'
At another school where I worked, some kids got in with paint guns and sprayed some stuff, but then they had to clean it, too. Which kind of cancelled out their fun . . .
Guilty as charged... I helped a friend TP and egg her neighbors house in the middle of winter only to later find out that he was a manager at EPA where I worked. Thankfully he never found out I was involved!
Oh Charles-Mr. M was our psyc teacher that used our crazy behavior for a class lesson. He was a very good sport with a long, tree filled driveway-perfect for our prank! Erik-I know! I thought that was the deal too! Sissy-Ooooh, dodged that bullet, now didn't you? Much luv my 3 amigos! xo
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