Happy Birthday today to my brother, Steve. It won't be necessary to say how old he is today-let's just say he is my younger brother-by 18 months. I can clearly remember being a big sister to that curly haired, hyper little boy. As a big sister, Steve, was like my own personal baby doll. I watched over his every move and anticipated his every need. He did not speak until he was 3, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't need to. Steve wants milk, Steve is hungry, etc. etc. etc. As his real live Chatty Cathy, I took care of everything.
Fast forward 50 years or so and you will find us hanging out any chance we get. We have vacationed together for the past 13 years and we have no intention of stopping the fun anytime soon!
As a little side note, this week was also National Sibling Week. My sister, Lisa joined me here for a quick visit, so I had the pleasure of vacationing with BOTH my siblings! How often does that happen? I feel sorry for 'onlies' who miss out on having a sibling. There is nothing like close friends that just happen to be family.
I've heard it said that you can't pick your family. Guess, I just got lucky.
Happy Birthday little brother. xo
8 months ago