The irony of a beautiful ice sculpture is that it's too cold to enjoy it. The weekend they carved them, the temps were at an all time, record breaking frigid. There isn't enough hot chocolate and Baileys in the world when the wind chill is -20 degrees. I love watching the carving live and am absolutely amazed at the talent these artists have-in the freezing cold. I managed to see some of them the following weekend before the local dipshits smash or tip them over, and it was awesome.
By this time next week I will be enjoying the balmy weather in the Keys. I am anxious to get away for an extended vacation-it's what we have been working for and dreaming of. Lots of friends will be visiting and the usual Key's antics will take place.
Here's my irony. I have misgivings about, well, just not being here. Home is where I feel the closest to Dane and somehow I feel as though I'm leaving him behind. There is something so very final about this and I am choked with emotion once again. The responsibility that kept me from a long holiday is the very thing I miss the most. I'm still feeling without direction. Totally rudderless.
Pray for me friends, that the sun provides the balm to soothe my broken heart. Thank you all for listening and sharing my pain. It helps so much. I love you all.
And to Dane, you know where to find me Honey. xo
8 months ago
Sissy, breath easy and know that where ever you are, Dane is with you. Though you may feel closet to him at your home in Michigan, do not think for one minute that he isn't with you at all times, regardless of where you lay your head at night. Talk to him aloud when you are in Florida and he will hear you. There will be subtle signs that he will send you to let you know he is close. And of course I am only a phone call away if you need some reassurance. Love and miss you! xoxoxo
Dang but that is cold.
Jodi--as you very well know some people, though gone we never let go of. It is alright though to let go of the sadness that made them leave us.
Enjoy the key's. do you bikini thing and nude fire dancing routine and for the love of humanity send some of that tropical heat this way!
Sissy, I am working hard at making peace with things. I will remember to talk to him. I know where to find you, Honey. luv u. xo Charles, It was MAD cold when we left and then we had to drive thru 'Thor'-the biggest storm to hit Ohio, KY, and Tennessee! Happy to be in 80 degrees! Mark, I am trying to find my joy. It may even be getting a little easier. That is wonderful advice-I know you get me.... Plan to do the naked fire dance soon! Sending love and warmth to you all. xoxo
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