On Sunday night, in Ossineke, Michigan, I had some dreams come true. Old friend, Bruce Anscheutz opened his home and whitetail ranch to me and some family and friends. At six p.m. we met at Bruce's gorgeous home and watched as many deer, including bucks, does and fawns came up on his porch waiting to be fed. Two fawns had their nose on the windows as they waited for Bruce to fix their bottle. I got to feed Sweet Pea. She was the sweetest and hungriest little baby I've ever seen. As an incredible animal lover, this was pure joy for me. Sweet pea let me feed her, hug her and kiss her head. I was in heaven.
Bruce started out Whitetail Way as a game ranch, raising and managing deer for game hunters, but has sort of evolved into a petting zoo, with deer, sheep, goat, and ducks. The animal live on gorgeous acreage and are spoiled by Bruce's loving care. He knows all of their names and histories and I even witnessed a big buck give him a kiss. These animals are the world to him and he treats them lovingly and respectfully. He is as dedicated as a farmer as twice a day he must check the fences and feed these animals. He generously opens his home and property to those of us that love animals. Bruce has a train that rivals the Detroit Zoo train and we all pile on with our beer and ride around spotting the animals. On Sunday the weather could not have been more perfect as we enjoyed the woods and deer.
With a husband who hunts and being a wife who not only cooks but loves venison, this kind of presents a conundrum of sorts. Growing up on my Grampa's dairy farm, I've always squirmed a little at eating beef. But I eat it, if I don't know the name of that particular bovine. The same is with deer. Randy hunts in big woods and the animals are not pets. They are wild animals and that, I must hold onto.
Bruce brings much joy to local people who bring their children over to witness this awesome spectacle. He is a knowledgeable and gracious host. It's is the coolest thing ever.
Thank you, Bruce for sharing your babies. I loved it and you are the BEST! xo
P.S. Hello to darling Sweet Pea! xo
8 months ago
I'd rather see ten times ten of your friends ranches than one single Nugent kill mill. Glad you enjoyed your staycay.
Very cool. We did see a deer in the wild the other day. Moving too fast to get a pic of.
Mark, I hear ya on that. I did have a wonderful time with my fam. xo Charles- I love that fawn so much. Miss Lana would have got some amazing shots! Have a wonderful week you two. xo
Sweet Pea -- how cute ~! The key to animal conservation is naming them, then, eh? Poor Cecil the Lion ~! Dolphins name their own, apparently, too.
On the other hand, Nature can be brutal, even without humans.
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