Well maybe just a few more that sixteen! On what may have been the last gorgeous Saturday night, gal pal Kristin and I made our way out for a last summer fling. No, not that kind of fling! Had a bite of dinner before hooking up with the birthday boy himself. Kurt is our trainer and we couldn't miss the opportunity to buy him a vodka or two. Kurt instructs in a 'flow' style but nuthin' was flowin' that night except the Goose. And yes, we got a little loose.
Us broads split early before we turned into October pumpkins and left Kurt to carry on his party without us. Hope your night was as special as you are, Buddy. We will see you on Tuesday for our regular beat down. Happy Birthday, Kurt! xo
P.S. I am celebrating a little 'day' myself. Can you believe that I have published 400 posts? Yep, I can hardly believe it myself. Thank you all for your support thru my celebrations, sadness, rants and stories. I love ya'll bunches. xo
8 months ago
Errr how many shots of vodka does it take to turn a shorty into a pumpkin?
400 rather interesting and honest posts that show your strength and humanity Jodi.
Looks like a hot night on the old town tonight.
Huzzah, Jodi ~! Dude looks like a Country & Western singer . . .
Mark-actually myself and Ms.K. were quite well behaved. 3 drinks is always my limit! That compliment you paid me, I hold as something precious. Thank you, my dear. xoxoxox Charles-Oh, it was. Had a great time! Erik-He does! Love to you three-you are all fabulous! xo
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