As a tired and uninspired blogger I was drawing a blank tonight. I got nuthin'. For an easy prompt I checked out the old 'National Bullshit Day' calendar. Today is actually National Orphans Day. Really? Now what the hell am I gonna do with that?
After consulting the official 'Orphan Handbook', I found some names of interest that I wish to share with you. Aristotle and Moses were orphans. 3 U.S. Presidents, Jackson, Hoover, and Hamilton were without parents as well as Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X.
Literature orphans included Tolstoy, Keats, Edgar Allan Poe, J.R.R. Tolkien and William Wordsworth, to name a few. And in entertainment I learned that Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, Faith Hill, Ice-T, Marilyn Monroe, and Trent Reznor all were raised without their natural parents. Steve Jobs and Dave Thomas had the same start in life.
I think that is a pretty impressive little list of names! Brains, leadership capability, strength, beauty, and creativity are strong veins of commonality. Don't know exactly if their origins helped to form these strong characteristics, but it certainly has to be considered. Maybe the people who DID raise them were influences that helped shape them. Either way, I think it's cool to consider.
Nature or nurture? Nuclear family or the next best thing? It's all debatable and relative.
Hope you enjoyed this little 'orphan' education.
Have a wonderful week, Dolls! xo
8 months ago
being a biological psychologist, I tend to give a little more weight to Nature. But certainly Nurture has its power.
Yes, it's fascinating -- thanks, Jodi ~ cheers ~ ~ >
If you are watching the new 'Fargo,' the main orphan seems to be "the Indian."
With all the crap I see compared to what I once saw I have to go with nurture being the stronger influence.
Charles, I find the question totally fascinating. Erik-Not catching Fargo yet! Embroiled in "The Affair". Wowsa!! Mark-I think I agree. Hugs to y'all! xoxo
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