Happy December Darlings!
How 'bout this group pic of my family on Thanksgiving? How did you fit everyone in, you maybe asking? Well, even if you're not, I'll tell you. A selfie stick. Yes, the very thing that I had previously deemed totally useless, neatly did the trick. That gadget comes with a remote control so you do not have to have a freakishly long arm to get the shot!.
The smiles on these faces came from a place of happiness and contentment. My sister Lisa and her hub hosted another fantastic day at their home in the woods. I got to catch up with my nephews, who I do not see as often as I would like. We ate, drank wine and played some crazy board games. Even the cold and sometimes drizzling rain couldn't put a damper on our Thanksgiving fun. Some other cousins dropped by for a visit and cocktail. Spent some time in old photo albums laughing at our mullets and other fashion faux pas! It was a simply a perfect day.
Thankful for all of it and praying for the grace of God to allow this day of abundance to remain the traditional event it always is for us. I realize and do not take for granted how very blessed I am. With the unrest in the world, I pray that everyone know peace and love. xo
8 months ago
glad to see you all having fun
For a turkey leg I would have taken the picture for you.
I love it, Jodi! Great selfie-stick-pic, indeed ~ !
Charles-it was a most amazing day! Mark-but you were 240 miles away!!! Erik-it was a trip. I am thankful for you all, my faithful supporters. Luv u, j
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