This past Saturday we had the pleasure of attending the wedding of friends' son and new daughter in law. Held at the Colony Club in Detroit, the affair was lovely. The love in the air was almost palatable as the bride and groom exchanged vows. Later I noticed paper towels in the restroom that read, "best night ever." Reading this sentiment got me thinking...
Is your first 'official' night as man and wife really your BEST night? Isn't everything on high anxiety and a little abnormal? Have you yet experienced enough to have it be the best? Aren't you even tired from the days' frenetic events?
I think down the line, the bride and groom will rethink this cute sentiment. As I ponder it, my wedding night (either of them!) certainly do not qualify. It was more of a beginning with many questions that only time and experience could answer. Saying vows and a great party are just the start and really not a very realistic marker for how things will be. And age will change what qualifies as 'the best'. Even though they looked their very best with stunning dress and hair and makeup at a beautiful venue with amazing food and a happening D.J. surrounded by their best friends as well as family-to me, it still doesn't qualify. It's hard to believe, but that party is just the first of the life experiences they will share.
Some of my 'best night's' involve none of those things. Quiet bonfires on a warm night that I look back on fondly. Relaxing together after a 12 hour road trip. Pizza and a movie at home with the pets. Admiring the blue of the ocean on our deck. These are a few of my 'bests'.
And just as good are the knowing looks of understanding that Randy and I exchange where no words are even necessary. It doesn't take a hundred people to make it happen. Being in sync after years of experience are the moments that mean the most to me.
The little things are always the 'best'. Congrats to Jeff and Meghan. The best is yet to come!
8 months ago
Yes! Best of a lifetime are the littler things, which are big things, too.
Charles-We sure are agreement on this one! Erik-perfectly stated! Hugs, my friends!!
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