First of all, a shout out to my nephew, Steven Race who turns 11 today. Nothing marks to passage of the years like the birthdays of children. Personally, I have stopped counting and of celebrating my own birthday, cuz after a while it just seems redundant. Birthdays are for kids who look forward to all it entails without ever pondering the number of years! So, Race, eat cake and be the special guy you are on your special day. I love you......oxoxoxo! In other news, it is petrifingly cold-not fit for man or beast. So dress warm, warm up your car and know that this too will pass. Today marks just 2 more weeks till our Costa Rica vacation. I've got my passport, am sorta packed, just need of course, to drop about 20 pounds! Ha! Hibernation gets me every time! Powerhouse Gym and my p.t. and friend, Rose will help me make the effort in that department. More on the vay cay later.... Anyone catch the Grammys? Talk about glamour and frivolity! But i have to admit- i cannot resist the clothes and the live performances. Kinda crazy though. People already getting piles of money for their efforts still have to get the ego stroke in a public forum. Can we honor with an award those people who REALLY enrich our lives? How about that darling William at Kroger who so carefully packs my groceries... Or the sweet waitress at the Firehouse who doesn't let my wineglass stay dry and always remembers that its dressing on the side? And who is it that maintains those beautiful flowers in the median on Metro Parkway? Is it the same person who makes sure the walking path is both plowed and salted? Kudos to the gentle nurse who makes my monthly B12 shot almost painless--I know, just a little pinch here! The caregivers at various nursing homes that make our loved ones more comfortable than we ever could and so it with more tolerance and with a smile. Truly award winning. Can't forget my friend Mark who calls to cheer me almost daily with something funny to say or a song left for me on my voicemail. You can't believe how many songs he is able to incorporate my name into! Oh, and of course my friend and Yogi extraordinaire, Tim, who can transport me into another place-just by his voice during class. I'm sure we all have these special people everyday easing us along. Let's have our own awards by remembering to thank them for all they do. They are the ones who truly make our days sweet.........xo
8 months ago
I couldn't agree with you more that we as part of this great human race need to give "props" to those who really deserve it. Jodi, you are amazing person who always finds something positive in others so that you can compliment them and make their day even better, don't ever change that about yourself.
I am looking forward to checking out your blog in the future.
All I could think of is "WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU DOING UP @ 5:45am?! I bee sleep at dat time gurlfreind!
Renee, you are as supportive friend and that means alot to me, knowing that you are one of the truest, honest people I know. Thanx for holla! xo
Benjammin' you stooge! I bee sleepin' too at 5:45 am! Thats just the time the blog posted my entry--besides I've known you to be a slammin' salmon at or before that godawful hour!
I did catch some of the Grammys. Prince looked fly, Jerry Lee Lewis made me sad, Little Richard is still hilarious, & loved Amy Winehouse. . . Welcome to the blogosphere! Always good to see new people . . .
Good morning baby! Had a great workout yesterday. Viewings are always the best.Let's have a fun day at work today. Love Beyonce' and Tina!!!
Yo u pimpin' that white wife- beater, yo!
Canyon out!
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