I am just now pausing to remember those who have fought for our country as well as those who simply fight the good fight. My family, friends, bartenders and servers, my pharmacist, and fitness coaches. I love you and thank you all, for making my life more pleasant. Oh, and my lovely lovelies here in the blogosphere. Wether you comment or just read-my thanks to you. xo
8 months ago
Tiki bar. Whoooo hoo!
You are just the little party chick there Jodi...amen on missing the krogers crush. GRR
I'll be in "H.B." for a 4th of July party. Spent this past weekend on Rush Lake fishing.
You should have invited me, the steel plate in my head pics up signals great and the filling in my mouth pics up radio, ala Gilligan's Island. True story.
I'm with Charles -- Tiki Bar, yeyassss! I'm with you on slow connections -- maybe better to be underground for the long weekend. Cheers!
p.s. your pic finally downloaded. Triple cheers!
Love the pic... of course because I'm in it with you! xoxoxo sissy!
...and happy No Tobacco Day too!
Looks like another fun summer at the tiki bar!!! enjoy and a have few drinks!!!
Charles-it IS a giant WHOO HOO! Mark-I make it look so easy! JR-catch anything? BamaTrav-I wonder if that woulda worked? Erik-I admit, it was a nice break. Triple cheers, indeed! Sissy-don't we have fun? Mona-right on, Girl! Rose-let the good times roll! xoxo to all and let's rock the summer!
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