Yes, it's a classic. Yes, we all know about it and it's nothing new. We may even have our favorite dancer. But I can tell you a story that only few know of and some lucky ones have even witnessed. It is truly a legend-in our minds at least.
Years ago, in the 80's, at a local bar up north, girlfriends and I were enjoying the weekly bar version of the Gong Show. You know, like a regular talent show but with a rude 'gonging' if the judge deemed you with little or no talent.
The action that night was sort of slow and the emcee was begging the crowd to come to the floor and share their talent. My squad put our fried, dyed and layed to the side hairdo heads together and realized that indeed, we did have a talent. Cousinfriend Joyce, bumped the band member off her keyboard and the rest of us hit the dance floor. As you can imagine, Joyce hunched over, knit her eyebrows and began banging out the song. Yes, THEE Song. The rest hit the dance floor and broke out in our finest imitation of the dancers. We shrugged, we ponied, we running manned. We flipped our big hair from side to side and generally brought down the house. That is until the judge gonged us, amidst strong protests from the audience. Like the stars that we were, and with great dignity, we bowed and waved to our adoring fans. Someone even sent us over a round-a small consolation prize for our humiliating treatment.
So yeah.. this song and this video will forever be the night when us chickies fearlessly performed a spontaneous and creative talent show performance. We were the people's choice that night and were even asked to do an encore. But we knew we could never repeat our 'classic.' Once was enough, the legend remains and the rest is history. Merry Christmas, my friends. xo
8 months ago